After satisfying our culture and history needs in the rest of Southeast Asia, we hopped on down to the Thai islands to enjoy some total relaxation #notcomplaining. We not only got lots of time to relax, but also witnessed the Cubbies FINALLY winning the World Series, experienced an American election abroad, and soaked in the, Read More

We were super pumped to finally make it to the Thai Islands. We had a blast riding in long boats, relaxing on the beaches, and swimming in the turquoise water while visiting Koh Phi Phi and Koh Lanta. Here is our GoPro recap of our time in the Thai Islands! Enjoy! 

As we boarded our plane from Malaysia to Bangkok, Thailand we were extremely excited to see a country we had heard so much about. We can sum up our time in Thailand with 3 words: kindness, laughter, and weird shit. Bangkok and Chiang Mai were full of many unexpected experiences, but also many adventures we’ll, Read More